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UNIVERSAL – 95 Drywall Plasterboard Partition

As big brother to Universal 85, universal 95 is much the same in popularity, application and design however, in appearance it is simply a more robust and substantial looking partition suite. With the use of a 64mm stud this system allows for greater insulation and noise reduction properties where required.

Universal-95 Features:

  • A permanent structure achieved by using top & bottom track, 64mm metal studs with 13mm plasterboard lining to both sides
  • Can accept up to 12.38mm laminated glass
  • The system can be full height solid, full height glazed or part solid part glazed
  • Can be insulated with the desired density for acoustic & thermal performance
  • Can accept a door thickness of up to 44mm

Plasterboard Options:

  • One layer of 13mm plasterboard either side of 64mm stud

Acoustic Performance of Plasterboard Partitions:

  • RW35 without insulation inside the wall cavity
  • RW43 or better with ASB3 polyester insulation inside the wall cavity
  • RW rating mentioned above can be increased with a higher density insulation

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